Programme Operator
The Directorate General for Maritime Policy (DGPM) was designated as "PT02 - Integrated Marine and Coastal Waters Management", Programme Operator, upon the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 29 March that has entered into force on March 30, 2012.
The DGPM was created in January 7, 2012, with the entry into force of Decree-Law no. 7/2012, which approves the Organic Law of the Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning (MAMAOT) under the Reduction and Improvement Plan for the State's Central Administration (PREMAC), stating the aims set out in the XIX Constitutional Government Programme related to the Sea Affairs.
The Decree n. º 17/2012, of January 31, establishes the organizational structure of DGPM, identifying its nature, mission and responsibilities.
The DGPM's mission is to develop, evaluate and update the National Ocean Strategy (NOS), and to propose ocean's national policy in its various forms, plan and manage the maritime space in its different uses and activities, monitor and participate in development of the Integrated Maritime Policy of the European Union and to promote national and international cooperation related to the Ocean.

Responsabilidades do Operador de Programa
In Article 4.7 of EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 regulation are set out the responsibilities of the Programme Operator, which is responsible for preparing and implementing the programme in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness and in particular for:
a) Ensuring that projects contribute to the overall objectives of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and the specific programme outcome(s) and objective(s) and that they comply with this Regulation, the programme agreement as well as applicable national and European Union law in all implementation phases;
b) Collecting applications, selecting projects to be funded and signing project contracts for each project;
c) Verifying the project outputs and that the expenditure declared by the Projects Promoters has actually been incurred and complies with this Regulation, the programme agreement as well as applicable national and European Union law;
d) Ensuring that payments of the project grant are made in a timely manner;
e) Ensuring the quality of the implementation of the programme and verifying the projects’ progress towards expected outcomes, inter alia through reviews and/or on-the-spot verification of projects carried out on a sample basis;
f) Conducting annual monitoring of a sample of projects, selected based on risk assessment and including random samples;
g) Ensuring that the financial contribution is used exclusively for the purpose of the programme and its projects and according to the programme agreement and that all assets forming part of the programme are used only for such purposes as provided for in the programme agreement;
h) Ensuring that there is a system for recording and storing in computerised form accounting records for each project under the programme and that the data on implementation necessary for financial management, reporting, monitoring, verifications, audits and evaluation are collected;
i) Establishing an organisational structure of the Programme Operator that ensures independence and functional separation of the division responsible for verification of payment claims from other divisions responsible for the implementation of the programme;
j) Subject to contrary provisions of the national law of the Beneficiary State, establishing and maintaining a separate interest-bearing bank account dedicated to the funds intended for regranting;
k) Ensuring that Project Promoters maintain either a separate accounting system or an adequate accounting code for all transactions relating to the project without prejudice to national accounting rules;
l) Ensuring transparency and availability of documents in accordance with the requirements of Article 8.8;
m) ensuring that the Certifying Authority receives all necessary information on the procedures and verifications carried out in relation to expenditure for the purpose of certification;
n) drawing up and submitting the interim financial reports, the annual programme report, the final programme report and reports on interests earned in accordance with Articles 5.11, 5.12, 8.3, 8.4 and 8.7;
o) Submitting to the Certifying Authority a forecast of likely payment applications necessary for the Certifying Authority to fulfil its obligations in accordance with Article 8.5;
p) Ensuring entry of project-specific statistical data to maintain the reporting database in accordance with the Programme Operator’s Manual (Annex 9);
q) Ensuring that the FMC and the National Focal Point is upon request, and within reasonable time, provided with all documents and information related to the implementation of the programme and its projects;
r) Ensuring that the Project Promoters are fully committed and able to implement their projects;
s) Ensuring that all necessary and appropriate measures are taken to prevent, detect and nullify any cases of suspected or actual irregularities, that they are investigated promptly and efficiently and properly reported and remedied, including making any financial corrections that may be appropriate;
t) ensuring that all relevant local, national and European Union legislation (including, but not limited to, legislation on the environment, public procurement and state aid) are complied with; and
u) Complying with any other obligations stipulated in the programme agreement;
v) Complying with legal and regulatory provisions on information and publicity and ensure that the project promoters also they fully comply with these obligations;
w) Ensuring the compliance with the requirements set by the FMC for submission information electronically.
The PT02 - "Integrated Marine and Coastal Waters Management", Programme prepared and managed by the DGPM, is the national programme to be funded under theAP1 - Integrated Marine and Inland Water Management programme area, will be focus exclusively on marine and coastal areas, and has the main objective toachieve good environmental status of marine and coastal waters in Europe, according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
The expected outcomes of the Programme are:
More integrated management of marine water resources
Improve monitoring of marine waters
Increased capacity for assessing and predicting environmental status in marine waters
Increased awareness of and education in integrated marine water management
In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding, signed on March 29, 2012 between Portugal and the three donor states of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - Kingdom of Norway, the Principality of Liechtenstein and Iceland, for this program area, it was assigned a funding amount of EUR 19,2Mfrom the EEA Grants, accounting with a national co-financing of about EUR 3,4M, to be supported at program level by DGPM, and at pre-defined project level by their respective promoters.
With this program, it seeks to promote in Portugal the improved ability to monitor marine environment in situ and remotely, an improvement of integrated management of national marine and coastal waters and forecasting and assessment capacity of the environmental status of marine waters, as well as raising awareness, education and training on the importance of the marine environment and its resources through projects to be implemented until April 2016.
The program plans to carry out two pre-defined projects: acquisition of a multifunctional research vessel to increase Portugal's ability to operate at research level with two main operating modes: research on fisheries and the marine environment, including ability to ROV operations, whose promoter is the Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), and the other for the preparation of integrated geographic information for marine and coastal management, whose promoter is the Task Group for the Extension of the Continental Shelf (EMEPC).
Moreover, it will be launched6 open calls for project proposals related to the program objectives, namely, improving the marine environment monitoring, development of modeling services and detection/monitoring equipment, data integration, education and training. It is also foreseen, a small grants scheme to be awarded to 15 projects/campaigns aimed at raising awareness for the sea related issues, envisaged to the local primary and secondary schools. The first calls for proposals are expected to occur in the first quarter of 2014, followed by others opening calls throughout this year, and at early 2015
Bilateral relations and Complementary Actions
Was considered a fund in the amount of € 339.656 forbilateral relations that is intended to strengthen bilateral cooperation, and more specifically, the safeguarding, development and financing initiatives to strengthen the relationship between donor countries and Portugal within the program area.
Under the program PT02 was still considered a budget of EUR 143.529 tofinance complementary actions with the main objective to strengthen cooperation between PO and similar entities in other beneficiary states or donors states and the exchange of experience with regard to the implementation of the programme.

Programme PT02 - "Integrated Marine and Coastal and Waters Management"

Expected Outcomes and Outputs (Projects)
# Outcome
Output 1
Output 2
Output 3
Output 4
More integrated management of marine water resources
A Marine Environmental Management System (MEMS) at National level, including action plans to achieve or sustain Good Environmental Status (GES) is developed
Projects #1
Call 1 - Decision Making and Management Support Capability
Improve monitoring of marine waters
Mapping and monitoring of critical MSFD areas carried through
Platform for making Earth Observation Services for Sea and Atmosphere (EOSA) available to relevant actors in place
Capacity on unmanned or mobile oceanic and coastal monitoring operations increased
DP Vessel equipped with marine surveying equipment acquired and fitted for operation
Projects #2
Call 2
Mapping and monitoring of critical MSFD areas
Call 3
Earth Observation
Services and associated Modelling, forecasting and associated services
Call 4
R&D smart sensors and development of monitoring platforms and interoperability test cases
Acquisition and fitting of a Dynamic Positioning (DP) Vessel equipped with marine surveying equipment
Increased capacity for assessing and predicting environmental status in marine waters
Harmonisation and synchronisation of the hydrographical database system into one database completed
Data input to major international marine data sets or geo-databases provided
Management, information and surveillance systems on the marine environment, human activities at sea and the atmosphere are
integrated and linked to geographical data
Projects #3
Preparation of integrated geographic information for marine and coastal water management
Preparation of integrated geographic information for marine and coastal water management
Call 5
Integração de Dados Nacionais sobre o Oceano
Increased awareness of and education in integrated marine water management
Integrated marine water management training, education and awareness raising measures and activities implemented
Projects #4
Call 6 - Education and Training
Small Grant Scheme
Public awareness
EEA Grants / Who We Are
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