Outcomes & Outputs
More integrated management of marine water resources
Increased awareness of and education in integrated marine water management
A Marine Environmental Management System (MEMS) at National level, including action plans to achieve or sustain Good
Environmental Status (GES) is developed)
Call 1 - Decision Making and Management Support Capability
Improve monitoring of marine waters
Mapping and monitoring of critical MSFD areas carried through
Call 2 - Mapping and monitoring of critical MSFD areas
Platform for making Earth Observation Services for Sea and Atmosphere (EOSA) available to relevant actors in place
Call 3 - Earth Observation Services and associated Modelling, forecasting and associated services
Capacity on unmanned or mobile oceanic and coastal monitoring operations increased
Call 4 - R&D smart sensors and development of monitoring platforms and interoperability test cases
DP Vessel equipped with marine surveying equipment acquired and fitted for operation
Pre-defined project 1 (PDP1)
Acquisition and fitting of a Dynamic Positioning (DP) Vessel equipped with marine surveying equipment
Increased capacity for assessing and predicting environmental status in marine waters
Harmonisation and synchronisation of the hydrographical database system into one database completed
Pre-defined project 2 (PDP2)
Preparation of integrated geographic information for marine and coastal water management
Data input to major international marine data sets or geo-databases provided
Pre-defined project 2 (PDP2)
Preparation of integrated geographic information for marine and coastal water management
Management, information and surveillance systems on the marine environment, human activities at sea and the atmosphere are integrated and linked to geographical data
Call 5 - National Ocean Data integration
Increased awareness of and education in integrated marine water management
Integrated marine water management training, education and awareness raising measures and activities implemented
Call 6 - Education and Training
Small Grant Scheme - Public Awareness

Pre-defines projects
Pre-defined project 1 (PDP1)
Acquisition and fitting of a Dynamic Positioning (DP) Vessel equipped with marine surveying equipment
The purpose of the pre-defined project is to acquire a second-hand Dynamic Positioning (DP) research vessel in order to increase the capacity in Portugal to perform multidisciplinary marine research in the Atlantic Ocean from the coastal areas to deep-sea regions. The vessel will have two main operating modes: fisheries research and ROV-operations for environmental research (oceanography, geology, biology, hydrography etc).
» Project Promoter: The Portuguese Sea and Atmosphere Institute (IPMA)
» Project partner: The Institute of Marine Research (Norway)
» Programme grant contribution: €11,000,000
» % of EEA grant: 85%
» Estimated total project cost: €12,941,176
» Expected outcome: Improved monitoring of marine waters
Pre-defined project 2 (PDP2)
Preparation of integrated geographic information for marine and coastal water management
The purpose of the pre-defined project is to develop a Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) database. The database will collate and harmonise marine data currently spread over a number of public and research institutions in Portugal while at the same time connect the data to geographical information. It will also ensure better coordination and information sharing between all relevant public and scientific institutions.
The MSDI will integrate technology, methodology and scientific standards with policy issues and serve as a basis for decision-making. In particular this is linked to the project promoter’s mandate to “maintain and update the database structure to support the extension of the continental shelf project, creating the basis foundation for the national system of monitoring and management of the ocean”.
The pre-defined project 2 will contribute towards fulfilment of the outcome “Increased capacity for assessing and predicting environmental status in marine waters”, but will also contribute towards more integrated marine management and improved monitoring in Portugal in a longer perspective.
» Project promoter: The Portuguese Task-group for the extension of the continental shelf (EMEPC)
» Project partners: The Norwegian Mapping Authority and National Land Survey of Iceland, The Portuguese Sea and Atmosphere Institute (IPMA)
» Programme grant contribution: €2,000,000
» % of EEA grant: 85%
» Estimated total project cost: €2,352,941
» Expected outcome: Increased capacity for assessing and predicting environmental status in marine water

Estimated Calendar
Calls for proposal (Available on: 18/03/2015 - Call 1, and 12/03/2015 - Call 5) - CLOSED
Amount of
Call 1
Decision Making and Management Support Capability
EEA PT02 PA expected outcome #1 - More integrated management of marine water resources
Output 1A - A Marine Environmental Management System (MEMS) at National level, including action plans to achieve or sustain Good Environmental Status (GES)
Description – Support the Marine Director with functional tools required for its level of responsibility; Promotion of interagency and NGOs cooperation
Deadline Date: 18/05/2015
340.118 €
Call 5
National Ocean Data Integration
EEA PT02 PA expected outcome #3 - Increased capacity for assessing and predicting environmental status in marine waters
Output 3C -Management, information and surveillance systems on the marine environment, human activities at sea and the atmosphere are integrated and linked to geographical data
Description - Integration of information on human activities, marine environment and their economic, social and environmental impacts
Deadline Date: 12/05/2015
424.647 €
Call 4
R&D smart sensors and development of monitoring platforms and interoperability test cases
EEA PT02 PA expected outcome #2 - Improve monitoring of marine waters
Output 2C - Capacity on unmanned or mobile oceanic and coastal monitoring operations increased
Description – R&D of innovative marine environment monitoring capabilities for remote oceanic areas
Deadline date: 30/03/2015
1.283.118 €
2nd Call - Small Grant Scheme
Public Awareness
EEA PT02 PA expected outcome #4 - Increased awareness of and education in integrated marine water management
Output 4A - Integrated marine water management training, education and awareness raising measures and activities implemented
Description – Promotion of an awareness raising campaign through the development of local events in basic and secondary schools, and activities to promote and increase ocean literacy levels among the younger population
Deadline date: 30/03/2015
117.000 €
Calls for proposal - CLOSED
Amount of
Call 3
Earth Observation Services and associated Modelling, forecasting and associated services
EEA PT02 PA expected outcome #2 - Improve monitoring of marine waters
Output 2B - Platform for making Earth Observation Services for Sea and Atmosphere (EOSA) available to relevant actors in place
Description - Ocean and costal risk reduction, early detection and mitigation. New services for fisheries, aquaculture and maritime transport safety, Predictive models and early detection; Marine ecological modelling applications and algorithms
Deadline date: 28/07/2014
1.032.941 €
Call 6
Education and Training
EEA PT02 PA expected outcome #4 - Increased awareness of and education in integrated marine water management
Output 4A - Integrated marine water management training, education and awareness raising measures and activities implemented
Description - Generation of qualified human resources through scientific and technological educational actions
Deadline date: 28/07/2014
470.590 €
Small Grant Scheme
Public Awareness
EEA PT02 PA expected outcome #4 - Increased awareness of and education in integrated marine water management
Output 4A - Integrated marine water management training, education and awareness raising measures and activities implemented
Description - Promotion of an awareness raising campaign through the development of local events in basic and secondary schools, and activities to promote and increase ocean literacy levels among the younger population.
Deadline date: 28/07/2014
236.886 €

Approved Projects

Approved Projects - Project Leaflets

Approved Projects - State Aid
Output 1
Output 2
Output 3
Output 4
EEA Grants / Projects
Início / Investidor Mar / EEA Grants 2009-2014 / Projects

Call 1
Decision Making and Management Support Capability
Call 2
Mapping and monitoring of critical MSFD areas
Call 3
Earth Observation Services and associated Modelling, forecasting and associated services
Call 4
R&D smart sensors and development of monitoring platforms and interoperability test cases
Call 5
National Ocean Data integration
Call 6
Education and Training
Small Grant Scheme - 1st Call
Public Awareness
Small Grant Scheme - 2nd Call
Public Awareness
2015 - 1º Trimestre
2014 - 3º Trimestre
2014 - 2º Trimestre
2015 - 1º Trimestre
2015 - 1º Trimestre
2014 - 2º Trimestre
2014 - 2º Trimestre
2015 - 1º Trimestre
170.000 €
350.000 €
200.000 €
200.000 €
170.000 €
170.000 €
15.792 €
15.792 €
340.118 €
2.352.941 €
1.032.941 €
1.283.118 €
424.647 €
470.590 €
236.886 €
117.000 €
Taxa de
Montante Mínimo de Financiamento
Calls for proposal - CLOSED

Amount of
Amount of
Calls for proposal - CLOSED
Call 2
Mapping and monitoring of critical MSFD areas
EEA PT02 PA expected outcome #2 - Improve monitoring of marine waters
Output 2A - Mapping and monitoring of critical areas carried through
Description – Seabed and habitats mapping; compiling data related to MSFD relevant descriptors; identification of key-species or association of species as ecological indicators and analysis of the feasibility of the assessment criteria of MSFD Good Environmental Status to the national waters, and improvement of those criteria
Deadline date: 05/01/2015
1.283.118 €
