The Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) launched a call for project proposals MARE/2014/26 – Interoperability improvements in Member States to enhance information sharing for maritime surveillance, which aims support actions implemented by national authorities to improve their interoperability and consequently the sharing of maritime surveillance information, thus contributing to the development of Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE).
In this context, Directorate General for Maritime Policy (DGPM) coordinates a project that encompasses partners of national public authorities for which maritime surveillance information is relevant, representing the all seven user communities addressed by CISE (defence, border control, general law enforcement, fisheries control, marine environment, customs and maritime safety and security). To carry out technological works to develop new services and to integrate these emerging services into the national node for maritime surveillance information sharing (NIPIM@R), in order to make the inherent information available to the interested authorities, within the applicable legal framework, in a cost-effective way, so as to increase the maritime surveillance information presently held by these authorities, thus enhancing their awareness and decision-making capability and, ultimately, their efficiency and effectiveness.
Specifically, this project is expected to
Improve the security of one of the EU’s largest border by automatically disseminating nautical leisure; boats monitoring information, by the relevant national authorities, in a cost-effective way
Streamline the pollution event reporting and subsequent processes, thus making pollution prevention
Enhance the overall quality of the information available at several independent systems, share it with other authorities as required, thus obtaining and providing better information regarding fisheries and the marine environment
Increase and improve the information available by national authorities with competencies in the coastal waters and the coastline, which will improve their situational awareness and decision-making capabilities, thus the cost-effectiveness of their operations
Enhance the cost-effectiveness of police investigation operations relying on maritime surveillance information, in domains such as drug trafficking, terrorism, economical crime and internationally searched persons, thus contributing to enhanced safety and security in line with European guidelines and recommendations in such matters
The major outcomes of the project are:
Fisheries control info available
Nautical leisure boats info available
Improved early detection of anomalies
Enhanced search and rescue
Pollution info available
Marine environment and fisheries info available
Info available to support police investigations
Coastal and maritime risk info enhanced
Project Brochure

602 - IT Developments